When one of us is hurt, all of us are. We feel the sadness, frustration & suffering of each woman.
Directly or indirectly we’ve all experienced violence. We’re are all connected & we emphasize with each women’s story. But just as we can feel each other’s pain, just as strong we can feel the love between us.
Todas somos una is a free graphic series made for everyone, you can print them to go march and know you’re not alone, or hang them in your home, you can use them in your social media or as screensaver, these are all yours, they’re ours.
This year we joined our efforts together with Básicos and Transforma, to create a special edition that makes visible the fight of women and non-binaries for a more equal world.
100% of the profits will be donated to Luchadoras MX , so that they continue their work of protecting and supporting women in the physical and digital public space.
Este año unimos nuestros esfuerzos junto con Básicos y Transforma, para crear una edición especial que visibiliza la lucha de las mujeres y no binaries por un mundo más igualitario.
El 100% de las ganancias serán donadas a Luchadoras MX, para que continúen su labor de proteger y apoyar a las mujeres en el espacio público físico y digital.
¿Quieres compartir tu arte y tu amor con nosotrxs? Manda tu obra en PDF en alta resolución a hola@todassomosuna.com. Puede ser cualquier frase, texto, ilustración o fotografía que quieras compartir. Escribe tu nombre y/o cuenta de Instagram en el correo, o si prefieres puede ser anónimo.